Appliance repair animation

Your Trusted Partner for Custom Home Appliance Repairs

Reliable Solutions for Tailored Appliance Maintenance and Repair Services

How It Works

All types of businesses need access to development resources, so we give you the option to decide how much you need to use.

  The CustomHomesTech app is coming soon. 

Appointment anytime, anywhere!


About Our Company

Many years of experience and high professionalism of our engineers allows you to accurately determine the nature of the fault on the spot and eliminate the breakdown in the shortest possible time. We buy all spare parts at wholesale prices, so we offer our customers favorable prices for home appliance repairs.

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Our Partners

Long-term and successful cooperation with a wide range of component suppliers allows us to always maintain a large stock of various original spare parts. We buy all spare parts at wholesale prices, so we offer our customers favorable prices for home appliance repairs.

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